Saturday, June 03, 2006

Why Ginevra is writing this blog

I wanted to write a blog to improve my perception. If I am writing something that someone else might actually read, I’ll want to do a good job, so I’ll think about it. As a result, I’ll take a closer look at life in search of something insightful. Of course, that is purely selfish, but in these matters one should first consider one’s own needs, then those of others. Like the stewardess said, you are supposed to put on your oxygen mask before assisting small children. Maybe my insight will help someone else find insight, and good will beget good.

So, why write a blog with my sister Regina? She caught me on the phone at a good time and I said yes. Since she’ll read it, maybe she’ll get insight from what I say and start seeing things my way (ha!). If you are into watching girl-fights, you should follow this blog. We are doing this experiment to see if we can communicate effectively this way. If so, maybe we’ll get somewhere interesting. Communication is the transmission facts and ideas (my def). The only reason to really bother with it is to alter the way in which one views the world: either by becoming aware of new facts, altering ones view of known facts, or by simply being surprised that someone else could see things so differently. Regina usually surprises me, but every once in awhile I am inspired.

All I can tell you is what I plan on blogging about and how I plan on doing it. Maybe Regina will do the same thing. Since I am a chemist and Regina and artist, we’ll probably write about art and science. It’s likely that I will write about how I became a chemist; maybe Regina will write about how she became an artist. I will write about growing up in a family of artists. I will write about my experiments and my plans to make a family of chemists. The blog may evolve, fizzle, or go up in flames. Only one way to find out.


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