
So, a week ago today I saw Hurra Torpedo, which the top kitchen appliance band from Norway. They played until all of their instruments were totally destroyed and they nearly died from exhaustion. It is definitely worth checking out. The band buys ovens, freezers, washing machines, etc and plays the appliances until they no longer will produce sound, and then the band members pass out atop a heap of rubbage. The highlight was when the drummer took a giant wheel and smashed an oven, then picked the oven up and put it on top of another oven. All of this was happenining to the tune of “Total Eclipse of the Heart.” The thing that separates this show from other variety shows was the vibrancy and rawness. They weren’t just random people in blue sweatsuits, you could really see the individual personalities. The drummer was the joker; he slobbered on his to complete the impersonation of a tango dancer. He was also lead smasher. The base gutarist was more hippie-like. He liked to put things on his head and pretend to fly around. Lead guitar was the serious one.
So, after the show, I got to talk to fellow blogger misspiggyslunchbox guy. You should check out his site for more pictures and info on the show. Well, I’d write more but I’m getting ready to go on a roadtrip . . .
That was a good one Ginvera.
I checked out their video:
I love that Bonnie Tyler song. I'm a realy Bonnie Tyler fan I guess you could say.
Me likes experiemental as well- I'm embarrassed to admit to some of the things I've made music with- utter trash.
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