Wednesday, March 07, 2007

I'm bored of being sick

I've been sick for 2 weeks now. There's this stupid cough going around, which makes its way into a headcold after about 4 days, then returns to being a spasmatic cough for at least two weeks. I tried resting for awhile, but got bored of that. Basically, I can't fo anything but work or rest, cause I can't go to the gym or a bar and I'm not going to go outside for a liesurely stroll (it is wicked cold and windy). With dank writing his thesis, resting is very boring, so I might as well work. The worst part is that I'm still waking up several times in the night with a violent cough. Maybe I'll go to CVS and see what kind of drugs they sell for this. That will at least make rest more exciting.


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